Spring 2007 EME 2040

Monday, January 08, 2007

Post #10

Your tenth post should contain:

  • 1 paragraph on topics you found most interesting from reviewing other students’ blogs;
  • 1 paragraph on what technology-related skill you would most like to learn next, and why;
  • 1 paragraph on ways in which you might achieve your future educational technology-related goals.

Also, you must visit at least five other blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #9

Your ninth post should contain:

  • A 2 paragraph review of an interesting web-based tool or resource that you might use when teaching. Be sure to include a link to the tool or resource, and check out the ones that your classmates have shared as well.
  • 1 paragraph describing a technology tool or resource that you have not yet seen but that you think would be useful for teachers.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #8

Your eighth post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 8 topics from course text such as security issues; ethics; emerging technologies
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #7

Your seventh post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 7 topics from course text such as evaluating educational technology; integration strategies;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #6

Your sixth post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 6 topics from course text such as technology and curriculum integration; ASSURE model; learning theories and educational research;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #5

Your fifth post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 5 topics from course text such as digital media applications; educational software applications;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #4

Your fourth post should contain:

  • 1 paragraph on Chapter 4 topics from course text such as input devices; output devices; storage media and devices;
  • 1 paragraph on topics you found most interesting from reviewing other students’ blogs;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #3

Your third post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 3 topics from course text such as application software; productivity software; graphics and multimedia software;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #2

Your second post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 2 topics from course text such as Internet services; assistive technologies; guide to WWW sites; search techniques; search tools;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #1

Your first post should contain:

  • 2 paragraphs on Chapter 1 topics from course text such as the ARCS Model and Digital Students; ISTE National Education Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers; how schools use computers;
  • 1 paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting that you think will be especially useful to you in your educational career and why you think so.

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.

Post #0: Blog Setup

Your first message should contain:

  • 1 paragraph about your prior experiences using technology
  • 1 paragraph about what you hope to learn in this class
  • 1 paragraph about what you learned about your own learning style today (based on activity done in class)

Also, you must visit at least five blogs maintained by your classmates and leave at least one comment per blog.